Monday, January 17, 2011

Lets get it started

A new study shows that being accountable to others by use of a blog is a great way to keep on track with weight loss. So here I am, ready to start a new adventure and share all the gory details with the world.

Now, I have tried all of this before. I have told myself multiple times that "I am going to to do this I am really going to lose this weight. I am going to feel better, look better, just wait til you see me."
But it hasn't happened. There is no magic button to push to make yourself finally follow through with that diet and exercise plan. You don't wake up one day and find that your jeans are miraculosly two sizes too big.
You have to work at it and want it and follow through.

That's been my problem from the beginning. Not with everything mind you, just this weight loss thing.
I went back to school with four kids at home, graduated first LPN then RN school while working a full time job. I wanted it, I went for it, and I did it.

So, why the hard time with losing weight?

Well for starters, I like to eat. I hate to diet, I detest exercise and I am, well, I am lazy.
Yep, I said it L-A-Z-Y.
Most people wouldn't admit that, but I figure that if this whole blogging thing is going to help me I need to be brutally honest.
Do I want to be thin? Yes, absolutely. Do I want to work for it? No, not really. But since I haven't been blessed with a naturally thin frame or a fast metabolism then I guess I am just gonna have to buck up and do it.

My other issue is that I constantly lie to myself and I hide things from others.
I do, I tell myself things like "that one cookie/ice cream cone/milkshake/candybar ect, won't hurt"
"I will just eat out tonight and I won't tomorrow"
But I do.
I eat out everyday I work, usually after 7:30 pm on my way home I will stop and get a fast food meal. I order bigger than I usually do and have it all eaten before I am halfway home. I get rid of the papers and trash so that nobody will realize what I ate, I would be ashamed if they did.
I eat crap at work.
I work at a hospital. There are healthy choices available. Do I get them? Nope, Do I bring food from home so I won't be tempted? Nope. I just run downstairs (via the elevator) and get a cheeseburger and fries, or chicken tenders or some other greasy grilled crap that I definitely don't need.
I eat breakfast there too.  Here lately I have been on a cream of wheat kick, don't know where that came from, but my favorite thing is the bacon egg and cheese sandwich on texas toast, yep, mega calories.
And I have a coke with every meal, not a diet one either.
So there is a lot of my problem.
On my days off I get the kids off to school, then sleep late. I may go to the store or hang out with a friend, but usually I stay home, watch tv or play on the computer and watch my life pass me by.
I am tired of it, this isn't living.
I want to play outside with my kids, I want to go swimming without feeling embarassed by my looks. I want to go dancing with my husband. I want to feel better. I want more energy. I want cute clothes. I want to inspire people. I want to be me, but better.
I want to live.
So it starts, bright and early in the morning. I am lacing up my tennies and hitting the trail, after my protein shake that is.
I am going to do this, lets get it started.

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